這首歌為一癌症防治活動的主題曲《Just Stand Up》,由當今美國歌壇最受歡迎之歌手,瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)、碧昂絲(Beyonce)、瑪麗布萊姬(Mary J. Blige)、蕾哈娜(Rihanna)、菲姬(Fergie)、雪瑞兒可洛(Sheryl Crow)、麥莉(Miley Cyrus)、瑪麗莎伊瑟莉姬(Melissa Etheridge)、亞香緹(Ashanti)、貝汀菲兒(Natasha Bedingfield)、琪夏寇兒(Keyshia Cole)、席亞拉(Ciara)、里歐娜(Leona Lewis)、黎安萊姆絲(LeAnn Rimes)以及凱莉安德伍(Carrie Underwood)等齊聚一堂,共同為此活動獻唱。




Just Stand Up
Artist: Carrie Underwood, Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, Mary J. Blige, Rihanna, Fergie, Sheryl Crow, Nicole Scherzinger , Natasha Bedingfield, Miley Cyrus, Leona Lewis, Keyshia Cole, Ashanti and Ciara

The heart is stronger than you think                                                                                           心要比你想像中來的堅強
It's like it can go through anything                                                                                               能渡過所有風風雨雨
And even when you think it can't it finds a way to still push on, though                               即使會覺得沒辦法奮鬥下去

Carrie Underwood/凱莉安德伍:
Sometimes you want to run away                                                                                              有時候甚至想要逃得遠遠的
Ain't got the patience for the pain                                                                                                再也沒有耐心來對抗傷痛
And if you don't believe it look into your heart the beat goes on                                           但如果不相信 望著那繼續跳動的心 你也會懂

I'm tellin' you that                                                                                                                           相信我
Miley Cyrus/麥莉:
Things get better                                                                                                                           明天會更好
Through whatever                                                                                                                         克服困境
If you fall                                                                                                                                          如果你正遭遇難關
Miley Cyrus/麥莉:
Dust if off, don't let up                                                                                                                   精神和鬥志不能被擊敗
Sheryl Crow/雪瑞兒可洛:
Don't you know you can go be your own miracle                                                                    你可以創造出自己的奇蹟
You need to know                                                                                                                         這點你必須瞭解

Sheryl Crow/雪瑞兒可洛:
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough                                                                        也許你會覺得意志消沉 再也撐不下去
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up                                                                           但是你的心卻告訴你 別輕言放棄
Sheryl Crow/雪瑞兒可洛 & Beyonce/碧昂絲:
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what                                                      假使迷失了自己 混亂失去目標
Don't give up                                                                                                                                  千萬別放棄,不要絕望
THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!                                                                                       渡過萬難,勇敢面對

It's like we all have better days                                                                                                   想想那些美好的時光
Problems getting all up in your face                                                                                         別被眼前的挫折打倒
Leona Lewis/里歐娜:
Just because you go through it                                                                                                  你可以走過這一切 都會過去
Don't mean it got to take control, no                                                                                         別讓灰心佔據你心頭
Leona Lewis/里歐娜:
You ain't gotta find no hiding place                                                                                           面對問題 別逃避退縮
Keyshia Cole/琪夏寇兒:
Because the heart can beat the hate                                                                                       化挫敗為動力
Leona Lewis/里歐娜:
Don't wanna let your mind keep playin' you                                                                            收起沮喪 打起精神
Keyshia Cole/琪夏寇兒:
And sayin' you can't go on                                                                                                          別說喪氣話

I'm tellin' you that                                                                                                                          相信我
Miley Cyrus/麥莉:
Things get better                                                                                                                          明天會更好
Through whatever                                                                                                                        克服困境
If you fall                                                                                                                                         如果你正遭遇難關
Miley Cyrus/麥莉:
Dust if off, don't let up                                                                                                                 精神和鬥志不能被擊敗
LeAnn Rimes/黎安萊姆絲:
Don't you know                                                                                                                            你要知道
Natasha Bedingfield/貝汀菲兒:
You can go                     &n

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